Littleborough Coach House

Links to our Users

Below are links to the web sites of many of our regular users which may be of interest to you and which provide contact information for them if you are interested in joining, or just want to learn more.  Just click on the group name to get through to their own site.

Littleborough Food & Drink Festival

Littleborough Townswomen’s Guild

Littleborough U3A

Littleborough U3A Choir

Rochdale Model Railway Group

Rochdale Photographic Society

Slimming World (Littleborough)

Contact Information

Littleborough Coach House

Lodge Street
OL15 9AE

Tel: 01706 378481

Meeting times

Opening Hours

Heritage Centre

Mon-Sat - 10am to 3pm
Sun - Closed

Cherry Tree Cafe

Mon-Sat - 9am to 3pm
Sun - Closed

Where we are

(click to zoom)